
Proposed EU migrant rules ‘cruel and unrealistic’

Human Rights Watch criticized the proposed European Union “Returns Regulation” for undocumented migrants as “cruel and unrealistic” for allowing longer detention and harsher treatment. The European Commission seeks to establish standardized procedures so that returns of migrants can be more efficient while still respecting fundamental human rights. However, the proposed regulations broaden the criteria for mandatory forced return of undocumented migrants. HRW argues that this could allow the prolonged detention of vulnerable individuals, including unaccompanied children, if origin countries refuse to cooperate. HRW also raised concerns that the third-country “return hubs,” which would serve to transfer migrants, fail to guarantee safe and sustainable shelter. (Photo: Sara Creta/TNH)

wagner group

Wagner-trained forces commit atrocities in CAR

A UN report finds that armed groups operating in the Haut Oubangui region of the Central African Republic (CAR) have been carrying out attacks against Muslim communities and Sudanese refugees, resulting in grave human rights violations. The report, prepared jointly by the UN Human Rights Office and the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), mainly attributes these attacks to Wagner Ti Azande (WTA), a militia affiliated with the national army. The WTA received training last year from the Russian private military company Wagner Group, from whom it takes its name. (Photo of CAR troops wearing the Wagner Group insignia via Corbeau News Centrafrique)

The Andes

Venezuela: Trump restores sanctions on Chevron operations

President Donald Trump announced that the US government is revoking a special permit granted to energy giant Chevron to pump and export Venezuelan oil. The move, which reverses a 2022 decision by Biden to allow the company to bring Venezuelan oil to US markets by exempting it from economic sanctions, removes one of the South American country’s few economic lifelines at a time of deepening crisis. In his post on TruthSocial, Trump claimed that the Venezuelan government had failed to keep up its side of the original bargain to meet “electoral conditions.” He also charged that the “regime has not been transporting the violent criminals they sent into our Country…back to Venezuela at the rapid pace that they had agreed to.” (Photo: Luis Ovalles via Dialogo Americas)

Central America

Panama feels pain of Trump migration crackdown

An eight-year-old Venezuelan girl died and 20 survivors were rescued by Panamanian authorities from a shipwreck during a journey from Panama’s northern port of Llano Carti to the Colombian border. Trump’s crackdown on migrants has triggered a “reverse flow” that is leading a growing number of asylum seekers to take a sea route back to South America to avoid crossing the Darién Gap—the perilous jungle trek connecting Panama to Colombia. (Photo: Note left on Darién Gap trail reads: “They’re robbing further up, form big groups!!” Credit: Peter Yeung/TNH)

Central Asia

Thailand deports Uyghur asylum seekers to China

After detaining them in squalid short-term holding facilities for more than a decade, Thailand deported 40 Uyghur asylum seekers to China. Human rights groups had been urging the Thai government for more than a month to halt any plans to deport the group—though senior officials denied there were any such plans. The removals were carried out in a pre-dawn operation using trucks with blacked-out windows, flanked by police. The Chinese embassy in Bangkok described the men as “illegal immigrants” and said they would “return to normal life.” But rights groups, as well as relatives of the asylum seekers living abroad, worry that the group will remain detained in China—or be sentenced to death. China has previously labelled anyone seeking asylum abroad as a “terrorist.” The UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, said the deportations were “a clear violation of the principle of non-refoulement” and international law. (Photo: Jacob Goldberg/TNH)


Mali: regime denies involvement in migrant massacre

The Malian Armed Forces command refuted accusations that soldiers were responsible for an attack in which 24 civilians, including women and children, were killed. The General Staff denied any army involvement in the massacre, which is said to have taken place in Tilemsi commune, Gao region, on the edge of the Sahara. Press reports indicated that a caravan of vehicles carrying migrants across the desert was targeted in the attack, which was carried out jointly with Russian mercenaries. (Map: PCL)

operativo frontera norte

Mexico launches ‘Operativo Frontera Norte’

Mexico has launched a massive deployment of 10,000 troops to cities and towns on the border with the United States. Videos and photos posted on social media by Mexico’s Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA) showed military and National Guard troops lined up boarding transport planes and rows of army trucks rolling out from bases in Mexico City, Tlaxcala and other cities. The response—dubbed “Operativo Frontera Norte”—is part of an agreement reached between US President Donald Trump and Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum postponing trade tariff threats for a month. (Photo: SEDENA via Peninsula360)

North America

Podcast: Is it fascism yet?

In Episode 263 of the CounterVortex podcast, Bill Weinberg deconstructs the moves by the unconstitutional Trump regime to consolidate a dictatorship over the United States—attempting to seize autocratic control over the bureaucracy, and (in a case of fascist pseudo-anti-fascism) weaponizing concern with anti-Semitism to suppress free speech while institutionalizing indifference to (and consciously enflaming) all other forms of racism. And this as Elon Musk (a private-sector oligarch given extra-legal power over government functions) tells a rally of the Nazi-adjacent Alternative für Deutschland that Germany has “too much of a focus on past guilt.” It took Hitler mere weeks to establish a dictatorship after coming to power, whereas with Mussolini it took some three years. We shall soon find out how long it will take in the United States—unless the country can find the wherewithal to resist. Listen on SoundCloud or via Patreon. (Photo via CEPR)

Watching the Shadows

Trump orders expansion of Gitmo migrant facility

President Trump has ordered the construction of a 30,000-bed facility to hold migrants at the notorious US naval facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, as part of his mass deportation campaign. The US base has been used to house terrorism suspects since 2002, becoming synonymous with torture and unlawful imprisonment. The US has secretively detained refugees and migrants intercepted at sea at Guantánamo Bay for decades, but the facility has not previously been used for people apprehended on US soil or at this scale. (Photo: Spc. Cody Black/WikiMedia via Jurist)

North America
Quaker meeting house

Quakers sue to stop ICE raids on houses of worship

Five Quaker groups filed a lawsuit to stop immigration agents from conducting raids on houses of worship. The complaint alleges that the new Department of Homeland Security policy that allows Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers to conduct searches and arrests at schools and religious institutions violates the First Amendment to the US Constitution. The lawsuit claims that the new policy has forced certain congregations to cancel worship services due to fear of ICE enforcement. On the first week of the new policy’s implementation, a church in Georgia said it had to lock its doors to prevent ICE agents from conducting an arrest in the middle of a service. Pacifism is an integral component of Quaker beliefs, and the lawsuit asserts that the possible presence of armed agents in Quaker meeting houses is a fundamental violation of “a founding principle of their faith.” (Photo: Wikipedia)

North Africa

Italy arrests, releases Libyan war crimes suspect

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said in a video released on social media that she has been placed under investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office over her government’s surprise release of a Libyan national who is wanted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court.Italian police arrested Osama Najim, the head of the Tripoli government’s Judicial Police, in the city of Turin. Najim, popularly known as “Almasri,” serves as director of a network of detention centers where systematic abuse and human rights violations have been repeatedly documented in a reports by the UN Human Rights Council. Mediterranea Saving HumansNGO stated that the arrest “came after years of complaints and testimonies from victims, which were sent to the International Criminal Court.” Yet Najim was released after just one day, and arrived at Tripoli International Airport. Queried about the release, Italian authorities cited “procedural irregularities” in his arrest. However, media commentators have widely pointed to Rome’s arrangements with Tripoli to block migrants seeking to cross the Mediterranean to reach Italy’s shores. (Map: Perry-Castañeda Library)

North America
executive order

Trump rushes out hardline migration agenda

During his first days back in office, Donald Trump rapidly started implementing his hardline migration agenda, including by declaring a state of emergency at the US southern border. The move allows his administration to access billions of dollars to expand the building of a border wall and to deploy the military and national guard to the area. Around 1,500 active duty soldiers are already being deployed. Trump also reinstated the controversial “Remain in Mexico” program from his first administration. This policy, which requires people to wait for asylum appointments in Mexico, helped to create a now-perennial humanitarian crisis in northern Mexico. The Trump administration has also shut down CBP One—a cell phone app for scheduling asylum appointments—leaving thousands of people stranded in Mexico, and suspended the US refugee resettlement program, as well as cancelling travel plans for refugees who had already been approved to enter the country. Trump’s promised mass deportation of millions of undocumented people has yet to get underway, but his administration has begun laying the groundwork for expanded immigration raids—potentially including on schools, churches, and hospitals—and has threatened to prosecute any local officials who don’t comply. (Image: White House)