Rojava revolution speaks in New York City

Metropolitan area Kurds and their supporters on Nov. 18 held a panel at the City University of New York entitled “Kobanê and the Rojava Revolution”—which actually featured a live Skype

Are Rojava Kurds taking the Russian bait?

…forces that hold Azaz? AP on Feb. 10 quoted one Maj. Yasser Abdul-Rahim, identified only as “a rebel commander,” saying via Skype from Azaz that “we are fighting on three fronts”—meaning against…

Whither the ‘Topless Jihad’?

…protest, which inspired women’s movement Femen to organise a “topless jihad” in support of her. Speaking to Femen leader Inna Shevchenko from an undisclosed location via Skype, she told her harrowing story, but was adamant…

Toward a progressive position on Syria

…placards from the pro-Assad ANSWER Coalition reading “WAR AGAINST SYRIA: BUILT ON A LIE”—necessarily implying that the Ghouta attack is a “lie.” This is the same group that organized recent rallies where portraits…