New York area Syrians came out the afternoon of Sept. 7 for a Rally to Stop Assad’s War on Syria at 40th Street and Seventh Ave., just south of Times Square. Some 100—including many women in hijabs, men beating on drums, and children with Syrian flags painted on their faces—marched in a circle behind police barricades, chanting with a level of passion rarely seen at political rallies: “ASSAD IS A TERRORIST; ASSAD IS A CRIMINAL; ASSAD OUT NOW; FREE, FREE SYRIA; END THE SYRIAN MASSACRE!” Placards read: “GLOBAL SILENCE IS THE CAUSE OF ATROCITIES IN SYRIA,” “HANDS OFF SYRIANS: THE TERRORIST ASSAD IS KILLING US WITH CHEMICAL WEAPONS,” and “INTERVENTION = CHEMICAL PROTECTION.” Such sentiment is clearly widespread among Syrians, and poses a challenge to the anti-war forces in the US and globally.
Photo: Aya Najjar via Facebook
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